Happy New Year

I’m still not exactly sure where 2014 disappeared, but it was an interesting year. I finished my first year of full-time teaching in a British school, started my second, became a tutor and took on added responsibilities in my department, and generally muddled my way through the year.

I have high hopes that 2015 will be slightly more mellow, and that I’ll have more time to open doors and try new things. Regardless, I am looking forward to a new year. And since I am one of those people who actually like arbitrary dates to start new things (as, I suspect, most list-builders do), I’m enjoying the thought of a new start with all kinds of resolutions, including using this lovely space that Paul has created for me. Happy New Year, my friends!

Entrancing old door and post box near Kew Gardens, spotted on a frosty morning hunt to find coffee on January 1st.

Entrancing old door and post box near Kew Gardens, spotted on a frosty morning hunt to find coffee on January 1st.


  1. Cosy Books January 5, 2015

    Happy New Year, Kate! You have certainly accomplished some wonderful things and this blog friend is very proud, and envious, of you. All the best!

    • Kate January 10, 2015

      Thank you, Darlene! And happy (belated) New Year to you, too! I am looking forward to another year of reading your lovely blog. xx

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